Saturday, December 28, 2019

Leaders Are Born Or Made - 1036 Words

There is a well-known and often asked question on whether leaders are born or made. While the origin of the question is unknown, the answer in response to the question are numerous. The terms leadership and management have become increasingly prevalent in today’s workplace. They are often used in place of each other and in some cases the terms leadership and management are used identically to each other. This has not always been the case. Leadership has a long history that dates as far back as biblical times. According to Bass, â€Å"it is one of the world’s oldest preoccupations† (Bass, 1990). On the other hand, management as it relates to the workplace is a relatively newer concept in that it became more visible in organizations around the time of the Industrial Revolution. It was during this time that large scale industrial plants with their high number of employees were in need of people and processes that would make their complex and disorganized org anizations operate smoothly and more efficiently (Kotter, 1990). As a result, management as it is known today became commonplace. The evolution of management since the Industrial Revolution has undergone many changes. It was the catalyst that brought about changes in the way management was perceived and administered in the workplace (Kotter, 2013). The management needs of organizations since the Industrial Revolution still require regulation, order, and consistency. Many modern day organizations often useShow MoreRelatedAre Leaders Made or Are Leaders Born?772 Words   |  4 Pagesold question. Are leaders made or are they born? My belief on this – I believe that a leader is made, not born. Why do I say that? Before going further, lets be clear on one distinction – when we say a leader is made, it does not mean that someone can be taught to become a leader by attending leadership courses. While it helps, it is not enough. Warren Bennis (a leading leadership rese archer) believes that one cannot be taught to become a leader but one can learn to become a leader over the years throughRead MoreLeaders Are Made Not Born1700 Words   |  7 Pages Leaders are made not born. If a person has the desire and willpower it can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledgeRead MoreAre Leaders Born Or Made?1372 Words   |  6 Pagesrespondents to answer the question ‘are leaders born or made?’ The results showed that 52.4% believed leaders are made, 19.1% felt leaders are born and 28.5% thought it was equal. The executives had differing opinions but the ‘leaders are made’ view was more popular. It also revealed that those who indicated ‘leaders are made’ believe that experience is more important than traits or training and what people learn over time is important. Those who indicated ‘leaders are born’ believe traits and experienceRead MoreLeaders Are Born Not Made1652 Words   |  7 Pages‘Leaders are born not made’. To what extent you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer using leadership theories and relevant examples. Christopher King u3107827 Tutorial: Monday 0930 – Daniel Oyston Word count: â€Æ' Intro ‘The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born – that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are madeRead MoreAre Leaders Made Or Born?992 Words   |  4 PagesAre leaders made or born? The ever-persistent question asked when someone starts talking about leadership. To this I say we were all born, correct? Leaders and the leadership role are not inherited traits passed down through the DNA genome pool of the extraordinary powerful leaders. No, they build upon their naturally skills and abilities, and observe behaviors of great leaders before them. Believing in themselves that their best is yet to come. So the answer is neither, great leaders adapt and learnRead MoreLeaders Are Born Or Made?801 Words   |  4 PagesThe question of whether leaders are born or made, is one that has been asked just as much as which came first, the chicken or the egg. It is a question, which all of us ponder through our own journey in leadership. For most of us, becoming an effective leader is hard and daunting work. Some of us grow up wanting to be leaders, while others sort of just fall into leadership, without really realizing when or how they became leaders. For some, leadership begins at an early age, perhaps during childhoodRead MoreLeaders Are Born Or Made?1062 Words   |  5 PagesThis paper will argue whether leaders are born or made. This will be done by discussing some relevant theories of leaderships such as the trait, situational and behavioural theories. It will also discuss the differences between leadership and management. Furthermore, the Contingency theories which are related to sources of power will be address as well. New development of situational theories will also be reviewed and discuss base on their strengths and weaknesses. Also relevant literatures whichRead MoreLeaders A re Born Not Made2148 Words   |  9 PagesLEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE There have been an age long debate, and humans since beginning of time, have tried to come up with an answer to this question – Are Leaders born or are they made?. This question has generated an age long debate, which in turn has resulted in various school of thoughts, some believe that leaders are born, while others think otherwise. My contribution to this lifelong debate will serve as a pointer to my position on this issue. I strongly believe that leaders are born andRead MoreLeaders Are Born Not Made1283 Words   |  6 PagesLEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE To begin this essay I would prefer to give a little scenario by asking ourselves, can all managers go on to be a leader? For several years, the concern whether leaders are born or made is an issue of great controversy. From different opinions however, it could be a little bit of both hence proving that any manager can go on to be a great leader as well. Among other definitions, Maxwell (1993, p.11) has defined leadership as an ability to influence others. He also definedRead MoreLeaders , Are They Born or Made?3310 Words   |  14 Pagesdepends ultimately on the qualities of its leaders. But are leaders born successful or can they be trained? Use theories and evidences to support your discussion. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Leadership is the competency and capability to influence and motivate people towards the fulfilment of goals .Thereby, leadership within any organization, is most definitely a critical factor of organizational efficacy. Leaders also embody a vision for future, and a good leader possesses the quality to cope and evolve

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