Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Planning question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Planning question - Essay Example The First Cellnatian Five Year Plan has been in existence for over four decades. This means that not only the country is new but that its infrastructure and its plans are in its developmental stages. It has, however, been in the trade business for centuries so that as an entity it has existed although under the wing of Great Network. Cellularnet had a baseline it could either emulate or restructure given their idiosyncrasies. Given that there are three ethnic groups: Cellchatters, Celltexters, and Cellsurfers they tend to live in harmony. The Cellchatters live in traditional villages and work in agriculture; the Celltexters dominate the economy; and, the Cellsurfers are comprised of professionals and skilled workers that work in the plantations. The country’s revenues are US$30.6 billion and its expenditures are US$36 billion. Its public debt is 42 percent of the GDP which is $308.8 million and its per capita is $12,709. Their unemployment rate is 3.5 percent and its population is below the poverty line at 18 percent. Within their social structure in 2000, 88.6 percent of the homes had an improved water source in the urban area while in the rural area it was 78.1 percent. This means that they had reasonable access (at least 20 litres a person a day from a source within a kilometre of the dwelling) to an adequate amount of water from an improved source (household connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected well or spring, rainwater collection). Sanitation improved as well, 80.8 percent in the urban area and 53.9 percent in the rural area (vendors, tanker trucks, unprotected wells and springs). The healthcare system in Cellularnet has a hierarchical or a pyramidal structure. The village health stations are the backbone of the Cellularnet Primary Health Care System (PHCS) and they serve between 10000 to 20000 people (please check these figures, or is it 100000 to 200000?). Health care is offered according to

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